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Connecting to a remote target

On the GDB host machine, you will need an unstripped copy ofyour program, since GDB needs symobl and debugging information.Start up GDB as usual, using the name of the local copy of yourprogram as the first argument.

If you're using a serial line, you may want to give GDB the`--baud' option, or use the set remotebaud command(see section Remote configuration) before thetarget command.

After that, use target remote to establish communications withthe target machine. Its argument specifies how to communicate--eithervia a devicename attached to a direct serial line, or a TCP or UDP port(possibly to a terminal server which in turn has a serial line to thetarget). For example, to use a serial line connected to the devicenamed `/dev/ttyb':

To use a TCP connection, use an argument of the formhost:port or tcp:host:port.For example, to connect to port 2828 on aterminal server named manyfarms:

If your remote target is actually running on the same machine asyour debugger session (e.g. a simulator of your target running onthe same host), you can omit the hostname. For example, to connectto port 1234 on your local machine:

Note that the colon is still required here.

To use a UDP connection, use an argument of the formudp:host:port. For example, to connect to UDP port 2828on a terminal server named manyfarms:

When using a UDP connection for remote debugging, you should keep in mindthat the `U' stands for 'Unreliable'. UDP can silently drop packets onbusy or unreliable networks, which will cause havoc with your debuggingsession.

Now you can use all the usual commands to examine and change data and tostep and continue the remote program.

Whenever GDB is waiting for the remote program, if you type theinterrupt character (often C-C), GDB attempts to stop theprogram. This may or may not succeed, depending in part on the hardwareand the serial drivers the remote system uses. If you type theinterrupt character once again, GDB displays this prompt:

If you type y, GDB abandons the remote debugging session.(If you decide you want to try again later, you can use `targetremote' again to connect once more.) If you type n, GDBgoes back to waiting.

On the target machine,
you need to have a copy of the program you want to debug.gdbserver does not need your program's symbol table, so you canstrip the program if necessary to save space. GDB on the hostsystem does all the symbol handling.To use the server, you must tell it how to communicate with GDB;the name of your program; and the arguments for your program. The usualsyntax is:comm is either a device name (to use a serial line) or a TCPhostname and portnumber. For example, to debug Emacs with the argument`foo.txt' and communicate with GDB over the serial port`/dev/com1':gdbserver waits passively for the host GDB to communicatewith it.To use a TCP connection instead of a serial line:The only difference from the previous example is the first argument,specifying that you are communicating with the host GDB viaTCP. The `host:2345' argument means that gdbserver is toexpect a TCP connection from machine `host' to local TCP port 2345.(Currently, the `host' part is ignored.) You can choose any numberyou want for the port number as long as it does not conflict with anyTCP ports already in use on the target system (for example, 23 isreserved for telnet).(6) You must use the same port number with the host GDBtarget remote command.On some targets, gdbserver can also attach to running programs.This is accomplished via the --attach argument. The syntax is:pid is the process ID of a currently running process. It isn't necessaryto point gdbserver at a binary for the running process.You can debug processes by name instead of process ID if your target has thepidof utility:In case more than one copy of PROGRAM is running, or PROGRAMhas multiple threads, most versions of pidof support the-s option to only return the first process ID.
On the host machine,
connect to your target (see section Connecting to a remote target).For TCP connections, you must start up gdbserver prior to usingthe target remote command. Otherwise you may get an error whosetext depends on the host system, but which usually looks something like`Connection refused'. You don't need to use the loadcommand in GDB when using gdbserver, since the program isalready on the target. However, if you want to load the symbols (asyou normally would), do that with the file command, and issueit before connecting to the server; otherwise, you will get anerror message saying 'Program is already running', since theprogram is considered running after the connection.

Using the gdbserve.nlm program

gdbserve.nlm is a control program for NetWare systems, whichallows you to connect your program with a remote GDB viatarget remote.

GDB and gdbserve.nlm communicate via a serial line,using the standard GDB remote serial protocol.

board and port specify the serial line; baud specifiesthe baud rate used by the connection. port and node defaultto 0, baud defaults to 9600bps.For example, to debug Emacs with the argument `foo.txt'andcommunicate with GDB over serial port number 2 or board 1using a 19200bps connection:
On the GDB host machine, connect to your target (see section Connecting to a remote target).

Remote configuration

This section documents the configuration options available whendebugging remote programs. For the options related to the File I/Oextensions of the remote protocol, see section The `system' function call.

show remoteaddresssize
Show the current value of remote address size in bits.
set remotebaud n
Set the baud rate for the remote serial I/O to n baud. Thevalue is used to set the speed of the serial port used for debuggingremote targets.
show remotebaud
Show the current speed of the remote connection.
set remotebreak
If set to on, GDB sends a BREAK signal to the remotewhen you press the Ctrl-C key to interrupt the program runningon the remote. If set to off, GDB sends the `Strl-C'character instead. The default is off, since most remote systemsexpect to see `Ctrl-C' as the interrupt signal.
show remotebreak
Show whether GDB sends BREAK or `Ctrl-C' tointerrupt the remote program.
set remotedebug
Control the debugging of the remote protocol. When enabled, eachpacket sent to or received from the remote target is displayed. Thedefaults is off.
show remotedebug
Show the current setting of the remote protocol debugging.
set remotedevice device
Set the name of the serial port through which to communicate to theremote target to device. This is the device used byGDB to open the serial communications line to the remotetarget. There's no default, so you must set a valid port name for theremote serial communications to work. (Some varieties of thetarget command accept the port name as part of theirarguments.)
show remotedevice
Show the current name of the serial port.
set remotelogbase base
Set the base (a.k.a. radix) of logging serial protocolcommunications to base. Supported values of base are:ascii, octal, and hex. The default isascii.
show remotelogbase
Show the current setting of the radix for logging remote serialprotocol.
set remotelogfile file
Record remote serial communications on the named file. Thedefault is not to record at all.
show remotelogfile.
Show the current setting of the file name on which to record theserial communications.
set remotetimeout num
Set the timeout limit to wait for the remote target to respond tonum seconds. The default is 2 seconds.
show remotetimeout
Show the current number of seconds to wait for the remote targetresponses.@anchor{set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit}@anchor{set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit}
set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit limit
set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit limit
Restrict GDB to using limit remote hardware breakpoint orwatchpoints. A limit of -1, the default, is treated as unlimited.
set remote fetch-register-packet
set remote set-register-packet
set remote P-packet
set remote p-packet
Determine whether GDB can set and fetch registers from theremote target using the `P' packets. The default depends on theremote stub's support of the `P' packets (GDB queriesthe stub when this packet is first required).
show remote fetch-register-packet
show remote set-register-packet
show remote P-packet
show remote p-packet
Show the current setting of using the `P' packets for setting andfetching registers from the remote target.
set remote binary-download-packet
set remote X-packet
Determine whether GDB sends downloads in binary mode usingthe `X' packets. The default is on.
show remote binary-download-packet
show remote X-packet
Show the current setting of using the `X' packets for binarydownloads.
set remote read-aux-vector-packet
Set the use of the remote protocol's `qPart:auxv:read' (targetauxiliary vector read) request. This request is used to fetch theremote target's auxiliary vector, see section Operating system auxiliary information. The default setting depends on the remote stub'ssupport of this request (GDB queries the stub when thisrequest is first required). See section General Query Packets, formore information about this request.
show remote read-aux-vector-packet
Show the current setting of use of the `qPart:auxv:read' request.
set remote symbol-lookup-packet
Set the use of the remote protocol's `qSymbol' (target symbollookup) request. This request is used to communicate symbolinformation to the remote target, e.g., whenever a new shared libraryis loaded by the remote (see section Commands to specify files). Thedefault setting depends on the remote stub's support of this request(GDB queries the stub when this request is first required).See section General Query Packets, for more information about thisrequest.
show remote symbol-lookup-packet
Show the current setting of use of the `qSymbol' request.
set remote verbose-resume-packet
Set the use of the remote protocol's `vCont' (descriptive resume)request. This request is used to resume specific threads in theremote target, and to single-step or signal them. The default settingdepends on the remote stub's support of this request (GDBqueries the stub when this request is first required). This settingaffects debugging of multithreaded programs: if `vCont' cannot beused, GDB might be unable to single-step a specific thread,especially under set scheduler-locking off; it is alsoimpossible to pause a specific thread. See section Packets, formore details.
show remote verbose-resume-packet
Show the current setting of use of the `vCont' request
set remote software-breakpoint-packet
set remote hardware-breakpoint-packet
set remote write-watchpoint-packet
set remote read-watchpoint-packet
set remote access-watchpoint-packet
set remote Z-packet
These commands enable or disable the use of `Z' packets forsetting breakpoints and watchpoints in the remote target. The defaultdepends on the remote stub's support of the `Z' packets(GDB queries the stub when each packet is first required).The command set remote Z-packet, kept for back-compatibility,turns on or off all the features that require the use of `Z'packets.
show remote software-breakpoint-packet
show remote hardware-breakpoint-packet
show remote write-watchpoint-packet
show remote read-watchpoint-packet
show remote access-watchpoint-packet
show remote Z-packet
Show the current setting of `Z' packets usage.
set remote get-thread-local-storage-address
This command enables or disables the use of the `qGetTLSAddr'(Get Thread Local Storage Address) request packet. The defaultdepends on whether the remote stub supports this request.See section General Query Packets, for more details about thispacket.
show remote get-thread-local-storage-address
Show the current setting of `qGetTLSAddr' packet usage.

Implementing a remote stub

The stub files provided with GDB implement the target side of thecommunication protocol, and the GDB side is implemented in theGDB source file `remote.c'. Normally, you can simply allowthese subroutines to communicate, and ignore the details. (If you'reimplementing your own stub file, you can still ignore the details: startwith one of the existing stub files. `sparc-stub.c' is the bestorganized, and therefore the easiest to read.)

To debug a program running on another machine (the debuggingtarget machine), you must first arrange for all the usualprerequisites for the program to run by itself. For example, for a Cprogram, you need:

  1. A startup routine to set up the C runtime environment; these usuallyhave a name like `crt0'. The startup routine may be supplied byyour hardware supplier, or you may have to write your own.
  2. A C subroutine library to support your program'ssubroutine calls, notably managing input and output.
  3. A way of getting your program to the other machine--for example, adownload program. These are often supplied by the hardwaremanufacturer, but you may have to write your own from hardwaredocumentation.

The next step is to arrange for your program to use a serial port tocommunicate with the machine where GDB is running (the hostmachine). In general terms, the scheme looks like this:

command(see section Specifying a Debugging Target).
On the target,
you must link with your program a few special-purpose subroutines thatimplement the GDB remote serial protocol. The file containing thesesubroutines is called a debugging stub.On certain remote targets, you can use an auxiliary programgdbserver instead of linking a stub into your program.See section Using the gdbserver program, for details.

The debugging stub is specific to the architecture of the remotemachine; for example, use `sparc-stub.c' to debug programs onSPARC boards.

These working remote stubs are distributed with GDB:

file in the GDB distribution may list otherrecently added stubs.

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What the stub can do for you

The debugging stub for your architecture supplies these threesubroutines:

handle_exception---in effect, to GDB. On some machines,simply receiving characters on the serial port may also trigger a trap;again, in that situation, you don't need to call breakpoint fromyour own program--simply running `target remote' from the hostGDB session gets control.Call breakpoint if none of these is true, or if you simply wantto make certain your program stops at a predetermined point for thestart of your debugging session.

What you must do for the stub

The debugging stubs that come with GDB are set up for a particularchip architecture, but they have no information about the rest of yourdebugging target machine.

First of all you need to tell the stub how to communicate with theserial port.

, the control-Ccharacter). That is the character which GDB uses to tell theremote system to stop.

Getting the debugging target to return the proper status to GDBprobably requires changes to the standard stub; one quick and dirty wayis to just execute a breakpoint instruction (the 'dirty' part is thatGDB reports a SIGTRAP instead of a SIGINT).

Other routines you need to supply are:

exception_number is the exception number which should be changed;its meaning is architecture-dependent (for example, different numbersmight represent divide by zero, misaligned access, etc). When thisexception occurs, control should be transferred directly toexception_address, and the processor state (stack, registers,and so on) should be just as it is when a processor exception occurs. So ifyou want to use a jump instruction to reach exception_address, itshould be a simple jump, not a jump to subroutine.For the 386, exception_address should be installed as an interruptgate so that interrupts are masked while the handler runs. The gateshould be at privilege level 0 (the most privileged level). TheSPARC and 68k stubs are able to mask interrupts themselves withouthelp from exceptionHandler.
void flush_i_cache()
On SPARC and SPARCLITE only, write this subroutine to flush theinstruction cache, if any, on your target machine. If there is noinstruction cache, this subroutine may be a no-op.On target machines that have instruction caches, GDB requires thisfunction to make certain that the state of your program is stable.

You must also make sure this library routine is available:

  • Start GDB on the host, and connect to the target(see section Connecting to a remote target).When using a UDP connection for remote debugging, you should keep in mindthat the `U' stands for 'Unreliable'. UDP can silently drop packets onbusy or unreliable networks, which will cause havoc with your debuggingsession.
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