Date Picker Option Missing On Microsoft Word 2016 For Mac
I cannot figure out how to add a date picker, among others, in MS Word 2016 on my mac I have searched through every post and forum but cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I am just trying to create a basic form that involves entry of phone numbers, dates, etc. With few exceptions, Word for Mac 2016 is exactly that. Word for Windows and Mac now look substantially the same, although you may find that not all of the Windows’ features are available on your Mac. As a word processing tool, Word 2016—which, at present, is only available as part of an Office 365.
-->Autocad for mac 2017 free download. Get more information about issues displayed in the telemetry log about possible compatibility issues in Office products.
The following tables list information about issues presented in the telemetry log. For more information about the telemetry log, see Troubleshooting Office files and custom solutions with the telemetry log.
For information about features that have been changed or removed since Office 2013, see Changes in Office 2016 for Windows.
These messages can appear if the file contains a control that may not be supported in Office or on the computer operating system.
Table 1. Issues displayed in the telemetry log about controls
Event ID | Introduced in version | Applications affected | Additional information | Title | Description |
10000 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Warning: Visual Basic 6.0 Controls | The file uses a Visual Basic 6.0 control that does not work in 64-bit versions of Office or in 32-bit versions of Office that are running on a device that uses an ARM processor. Replace the control with a supported control if you want it to be available to Office applications in those environments. | |
10001 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Link | Controls: Visual Basic 6.0 Control on 64-bit OS | The file uses a Visual Basic 6.0 control that does not work in 64-bit versions of Office. Visual Basic 6.0 runtime files are 32-bit and are supported in the 32-bit OS or in WOW emulation environments only. |
10002 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Link | Controls: Visual Basic 6.0 Controls on Device with ARM Processor | The file uses a Visual Basic 6.0 control that does not work on a device that uses an ARM processor. |
10003 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Link | Controls: Microsoft Calendar Control | The file uses the Microsoft Calendar control (Mscal.ocx), a feature of previous versions of Access that is not available in Office 2013. The control will not work because it is not installed on the host computer. Use other date picker controls as an alternative, like the Date Picker Content Control (in Word 2013) or the Windows DatePicker control (in the Windows Common Controls). For more information, see Replacing the Calendar Control in Access 2010 Applications. |
10004 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Link | Office Web Components | The file uses an Office Web Components (MSOWC.dll) control. The control will not work because the Office Web Components are not installed on this computer and are not included with Office 2013. To use this control, install the Office Web Components separately. For more information, see Find Office Web Components Programming Documentation and Samples |
10005 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | Link | Controls: Unregistered ActiveX Control | The file uses ActiveX controls that are not registered on the host computer. To use the control, register it on the host computer. |
Removed and deprecated members in the Object Model
These messages can appear if the add-in or macro-enabled document code uses an object, member, collection, enumeration, or constant that has been removed from the application's object model.
Table 2. Issues displayed in the telemetry log about removed and deprecated members
Event ID | Introduced in version | Applications affected | Additional Information | Title | Description |
10103 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | Link | OM Removed: Custom XML Feature | The Custom XML feature is removed from Word. The following methods and properties are hidden, and if accessed, return a runtime error: - XMLNodes.Add method - Document.XMLHideNamespaces property - Document.XMLSaveDataOnly property - Document.XMLSchemaViolations property - XMLSchemaViolations object and all its members - XMLSchemaViolation object and all its members - Application.TaskPanes, if the wdTaskPaneXMLStructure constant (5) of the WdTaskPanes enumeration is specified - Options.PrintXMLTag property - View.ShowXMLMarkup property - XMLChildNodeSuggestions collection and all its members - XMLChildNodeSuggestion object and all its members - Selection.XMLParentNode property - Range.XMLParentNode property |
10113 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Removed: Smart Tag Feature | The SmartTags feature is removed from Word. The following objects, methods, and properties are hidden, and if accessed, return a runtime error: - SmartTag object and members - SmartTags collection and members - SmartTagAction object and members - SmartTagActions collection and members - SmartTagType object and members - SmartTagTypes collection and members - XMLNode.SmartTag property The following methods are hidden, and if accessed, fail silently: - Document.CheckNewSmartTags method - Document.RecheckSmartTags method - Document.RemoveSmartTags method The following properties are hidden, and if accessed, always returns FALSE: - Document.EmbedSmartTags property - Document.SmartTagsAsXMLProps property - Options.LabelSmartTags property - Options.DisplaySmartTagButtons property - EmailOptions.EmbedSmartTag property The following property is hidden, and if accessed, always returns true: - View.DisplaySmartTags property The following properties are hidden, and if accessed, always returns an empty collection: - Application.SmartTagTypes property - Document.SmartTags property - Range.SmartTags property - Selection.SmartTags property | |
10115 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Removed: AutoSummary Feature | The AutoSummary feature is removed from Word. The following method and properties are hidden, and if accessed, return a runtime error: - Document.AutoSummarize method - Document.ShowSummary property - Document.SummaryViewMode property - Document.SummaryLength property | |
10116 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Removed: Barcode Feature | The barcode feature for envelopes is removed from Word. The following properties are hidden, and if accessed, always return FALSE: - Envelope.DefaultPrintBarCode property - MailingLabel.DefaultPrintBarCode property | |
10117 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Removed: Window.DocumentMapPercentWidth Property | The Window.DocumentMapPercentWidth property is hidden in Word. If accessed, the property raises a runtime error. | |
10122 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Removed: Application.FileSearch | The Application.FileSearch was removed in Office 2007. If accessed, this property will return an error. To work around this issue, use the FileSystemObject to recursively search directories to find specific files. | |
10145 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Removed: Application.FileSearch | The Application.FileSearch property was removed in Office 2007. If accessed, this property will return an error. To work around this issue, use the FileSystemObject to recursively search directories to find specific files. | |
10154 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Removed: Smart Tag Feature | The SmartTags feature is removed from Excel. The following properties are hidden, and if accessed, always returns FALSE: - Application.SmartTagRecognizers property The following objects, methods, and properties are hidden, and if accessed, return a runtime error: - SmartTag object and members - SmartTags collection and members - SmartTagAction object and members - SmartTagActions collection and members - SmartTagOptions collection and members - SmartTagRecognizer object and members - SmartTagRecognizers collection and members The following methods are hidden, and if accessed, fail silently: - Workbook.RecheckSmartTags method The following properties are hidden, and if accessed, always returns an empty collection: - Workbook.SmartTagOptions property - Worksheet.SmartTags property - Range.SmartTags property - IRange.SmartTags property - DialogSheet.SmartTags property - IDialogSheet.SmartTags property | |
10155 | Office 2013 | All Office 2013 | OM Removed: ToolbarButton.Edit Method | The CommandBar Button Editor has been removed. If called, the method silently fails. Custom images can be applied to legacy CommandBar buttons using the CommandBarButton.PasteFace method, or the CommandBarButton.Picture and the CommandBarButton.Mask properties. | |
10159 | Office 2016 | Word | OM Deprecated: SkyDriveSignInOption | SkyDriveSignInOption has been deprecated. Use CloudSignInOption instead. |
Behavior changes in the Object Model
These messages can appear if the add-in or macro-enabled document code uses an object, member, collection, enumeration, or constant that behaves differently from previous versions of Office.
Table 3. Issues displayed in the telemetry log about behavior changes
Event ID | Introduced in version | Applications affected | Additional Information | Title | Description |
10156 | Office 2016 | Word | OM Behavior Change: Use of save events detected | The compatibility checker has detected use of save events which may cause an undesirable experience during real-time co-authoring. Your solution may not work as intended during real time co-authoring sessions due to the higher save frequency during those scenarios. We recommend adjusting the solution to throttle during frequent saves. Alternatively, disable real time co-authoring by using Group Policy. | |
10160 | Office 2016 | Word, Excel, PowerPoint | OM Behavior Change: Application.DisplayDocumentInformationPanel | The Document Information Panel has been deprecated as part of InfoPath product deprecation. Querying this property will always return false. Setting this property varies by application. Setting it to true will show the Property Panel for Word and PowerPoint and do nothing in Excel. Setting it to false does nothing in all apps. | |
10161 | Office 2016 | Word | OM Behavior Change: ContentControl.DropdownListEntries | The Document Information Panel has been deprecated as part of InfoPath product deprecation. When acting against SharePoint lookup properties the behavior of this API is no longer supported. It works as expected with other types of list entries. | |
10157 | Office 2016 | PowerPoint | OM Behavior Change: Presentation.InMergeMode Property | The old merge mode that appears in the document window when co-authoring has been replaced with a new conflict resolution window. If accessed in this situation, the Presentation.InMergeMode property will return False. | |
10106 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Behavior Change: Application.FormulaBarHeight Property | The Application.FormulaBarHeight Property (Excel) property is changed. If accessed, the property reads and writes the height of the formula bar associated with the active window in Excel. To change formula bar height for another window in Excel, set the Application.FormulaBarHeight property after activating the window. | |
10107 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Behavior Change: Workbook.Protect Method | Window structure (height, width, minimized or maximized state) cannot be protected in Excel. If called, the Workbook.Protect Method (Excel) method does not protect the workbook window structure regardless of the value of the Windows parameter. | |
10140 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Behavior Change: Table.AllowPageBreaks | The Table.AllowPageBreaks property is hidden, and always returns TRUE. To achieve the same behavior, use the ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether Property (Word) and ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext Property (Word) properties. |
Hidden members in the Object Model
These messages can appear if the add-in or macro-enabled document code uses an object, member, collection, enumeration, or constant that has been hidden in the application's object model.
Table 4. Issues displayed in the telemetry log about hidden members
Event ID | Introduced in version | Applications affected | Additional Information | Title | Description |
10158 | Office 2016 | Excel | OM Hidden: Presentation.WorksheetFunction.Forecast (All) Method | WorksheetFunction.Forecast method is hidden. If called, the method behaves similarly as it does in Excel 2013. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should use WorksheetFunction.Forecast_Linear in new applications. | |
10109 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.UpdateSummaryProperties Method | The AutoSummary feature is removed from Word. If called, the Document.UpdateSummaryProperties method raises a runtime error. | |
10110 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Comment.Delete Method | Commenters can reply directly to other comments in Word. If called, the Comment.Delete method functions similar to previous versions of Office by deleting a single comment and leaving all replies in the document. To remove an entire thread of comments, use the Comment.DeleteRecursively method. To reply to a comment, use the Comment.Replies.Add method. | |
10111 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Comment.Author Property | Comments in Word are now associated with contacts. If accessed, the Comment.Author property behaves similarly to previous versions of Office. To access the name of a commenter, use the Name property of the Contact object associated with the comment. | |
10112 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Comment.Initial Property | Initials of commenters are not displayed with comments in Word by default. If accessed, the Comment.Initial property behaves similar to previous versions of Office. However, printed documents still display initials for comments. | |
10114 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Comment.ShowTip Property | ScreenTips associated with comments in Word are shown by default. If accessed, the Comment.ShowTip property always returns FALSE. | |
10118 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Options.BackgroundOpen Property | Large web documents cannot be opened in the background in Word. If accessed, the Options.BackgroundOpen Property (Word) property always returns FALSE and cannot be set to any other value. | |
10119 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.ApplyQuickStyleSet Method | The Document.ApplyQuickStyleSet method is hidden in Word. If called, the method continues to function the same as it did in Office 2007 by changing the Style Set for the document. To use the new features of Office 2010 and above, replace with the Document.ApplyQuickStyleSet2 Method (Word) method. | |
10120 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.SaveAs Method | The Save As feature behaves similarly to previous versions of Word. If called, the Document.SaveAs method behaves similarly as it does in Office 2007. And the SaveAs2 method is added to the Document object that contains the properties introduced in Office 2010. To use the new features of Office 2010 and later, replace the Document.SaveAs method with the Document.SaveAs2 Method (Word). | |
10121 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Assistant and AnswerWizard Features | The Assistant and AnswerWizard features have been hidden in Word. The following properties are hidden but remain part of the object model for backward compatibility. It is not recommended to use them in new Office solutions: - Application.Assistant property - Application.AnswerWizard property The following properties are hidden. If accessed, they return a runtime error: - Global.Assistant property - Global.AnswerWizard property | |
10123 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Options.WPHelp | The Options.WPHelp property is hidden. | |
10124 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Options.SetWPHelpOptions | The Options.SetWPHelpOptions property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10125 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Options.WPDocNavKeys | The Options.WPDocNavKeys property is hidden. If accessed, the property always returns FALSE. | |
10126 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden:Options.BlueScreen | The Options.BlueScreen property is hidden. If accessed, the property always returns FALSE. | |
10127 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Options.AllowFastSave | The Options.AllowFastSave is hidden. If accessed, the property always returns FALSE. | |
10128 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Application.DisplayStatusBar | The Application.DisplayStatusBar property is hidden. Use **Application.CommandBars('Status Bar')**Visible instead. | |
10129 | Office 2013 | Word 2013Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.HTMLProject | The Document.HTMLProject is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10130 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.Versions | The Versions feature is removed, and as a result, the Document.Versions property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10131 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.Route | The Routing Slip feature is removed, and as a result, the Document.Route method is hidden. If accessed, this method returns an error. | |
10132 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.HasRoutingSlip | The Routing Slip feature is removed, and as a result, the Document.HasRoutingSlip property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10133 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.Routed | The Routing Slip feature is removed, and as a result, the Document.Routed property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10134 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Document.RoutingSlip | The Routing Slip feature is removed, and as a result, the Document.RoutingSlip property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns an error. | |
10135 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Diagram OM | The Diagram object and the properties and methods associated with the Diagram object have been hidden. If accessed, the following members generate errors: - Shapes.AddDiagram - Shape.Diagram - Shape.DiagramNode - Shape.HasDiagram - ShapeHasDiagramNode - ShapeRange.DiagramNode - ShapeRange.HasDiagram - ShapeRange.HasDiagramNode | |
10136 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: ShapeRange.Activate | The Word Picture object is hidden, and as a result, the methods used to convert a picture to a Word Picture object were also hidden. These methods included the following: - InlineShape.Activate - Shape.Activate - ShapeRange.Activate If used, these methods generate an error. | |
10137 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Shape.Activate | The Word Picture object is hidden, and as a result, the methods used to convert a picture to a Word Picture object were also hidden. These methods included the following: - InlineShape.Activate - Shape.Activate - ShapeRange.Activate If used, these methods generate an error. | |
10138 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: InlineShape.Activate | The Word Picture object is hidden, and as a result, the methods used to convert a picture to a Word Picture object were also hidden. These methods included the following: - InlineShape.Activate - Shape.Activate - ShapeRange.Activate If used, these methods generate an error. | |
10139 | Office 2013 | Word 2013 | OM Hidden: Shapes.AddChart | The Shapes.AddChart method is hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. Use the Shapes.AddChart2 method instead. NOTE: The Shapes.AddChart2 method applies a default title to the new chart. If you need to change the title of the chart after it has been added to the file, use the Chart.ChartTitle property or edit the title manually. | |
10141 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar | The Application.ShowWindowinTaskbar property is hidden. If accessed, the property always returns true. | |
10142 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: HangulHanjaConversionDictionaries.BuiltinDictionary | The HangulHanjaConversionDictionaries.BuiltinDictionary property is hidden. If accessed, the property returns NULL. | |
10143 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: Template.AutoTextEntries | AutoText is now a type of Building Block. You can access Building Blocks by using the Template.BuildingBlockEntries Property (Word) or Template.BuildingBlockTypes Property (Word) properties. By default, AutoText is saved in normal.dotm | |
10144 | Office 2013 | Word 2013, Outlook 2013 | OM Hidden: View.RevisionsMode | The View.RevisionsMode property is hidden. Instead, use the View.MarkupMode Property (Word) property. | |
10146 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: ISlicerCache.ClearManualFilter | The method ClearManualFilter of ISlicerCache object was marked as hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10147 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: _Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar | The property _Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar has been hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10148 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: _Application.SaveISO8601Dates | The property _Application.SaveISO8601Dates has been hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10149 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: SlicerCache.ClearManualFilter | The method ClearManualFilter of SlicerCache. object was marked as hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10150 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: _Application.Assistant | The property _Application.Assistant has been hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10151 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: _Application.AnswerWizard | The property _Application.Assistant has been hidden. If accessed, the property returns a runtime error. | |
10152 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: _Global.Assistant | The property _Global.Assistant has been hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. | |
10153 | Office 2013 | Excel 2013 | OM Hidden: Shapes.AddChart | The Shapes.AddChart method is hidden. It remains part of the object model for backward compatibility, but you should not use it in new applications. Use the Shapes.AddChart2 method instead. NOTE: The Shapes.AddChart2 method applies a default title to the new chart. If you need to change the title of the chart after it has been added to the file, use the Chart.ChartTitle property or edit the title manually. |
See also
Today’s post was written by Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president for the Office Client Applications and Services team.
Today we are taking a big step forward for Mac® users—Office 2016 for Mac is now available in 139 countries and 16 languages. Based on feedback from the great Mac Office community, we’ve made major updates to each of the apps, and we couldn’t be more pleased to deliver it first to our Office 365 customers.
Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac
The new versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote provide the best of both worlds for Mac users—the familiar Office experience paired with the best of Mac.
If you already use Office on a PC or iPad, you will find yourself right at home in Office 2016 for Mac. It works the way you expect, with the familiar ribbon interface and powerful task panes. Mac users will appreciate the modernized Office experience and the integration of Mac capabilities like Full Screen view and Multi-TouchTM gestures. With full Retina® display support, your Office documents look sharper and more vibrant than ever.
Office for Mac is cloud-connected, so you can quickly get to the documents you’ve recently used on other devices and pick up where you left off. New, built-in document sharing tools make it easy to invite teammates to work on a document together. When sharing documents, you won’t have to worry about losing content or formatting, as Office for Mac offers unparalleled compatibility with Office on PCs, tablets, phones and online.
Five modern, first-class applications
Word for Mac—Word’s powerful writing and reviewing tools make it easy to create great-looking documents. The new Design tab lets you easily apply designer-quality layouts, colors and fonts throughout your document. You can work on the same document simultaneously with your teammates and use threaded comments to have a conversation right next to the corresponding text.
Excel for Mac—The new Excel for Mac helps you visualize your information by recommending charts best suited for your data with chart previews. Familiar keyboard shortcuts, autocomplete and an improved formula builder save you time when creating spreadsheets or entering data. For deeper analysis, new PivotTable Slicers help you filter large volumes of data and discover patterns.
PowerPoint for Mac—PowerPoint’s improved Presenter View gives you full control when you present by showing you the current slide, next slide, speaker notes and a timer on your Mac screen, while the audience only sees your presentation on the big screen. The new animation pane helps you design and fine-tune animations, and the latest set of slide transitions add polish to your presentations.
Outlook for Mac—Managing your email, calendar, contacts and tasks has never been easier. The new Outlook for Mac has push mail support so your inbox is always up-to-date. The improved conversation view automatically organizes your inbox around threaded conversations, so you won’t have to hunt for related messages. And the new message preview shows you the first sentence of an email just below the subject line so you can quickly decide if you want to read it now or come back later.
OneNote for Mac—OneNote is the newest addition to Office for Mac. You can capture your ideas in digital notebooks and access them on any device. Find things quickly with the OneNote search engine that tracks your tags, indexes your typed notes and recognizes text in images and handwritten notes. Bold, italicize, underline or highlight notes, insert files, pictures and tables and organize your notes however you want. You can also share notebooks with friends, family or colleagues so everyone can work together on travel plans, household tasks or work projects.
Made better by Mac users
The customer participation in our Office for Mac preview since its launch in March exceeded our expectations, making it our largest Office for Mac beta ever. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the preview program and helped us improve the product.
Mac preview participants provided us with over 100,000 pieces of feedback. Based on this feedback, we released seven updates in four months with significant improvements in performance and stability. We also added features like improved Mail Merge in Word, Propose New Time in Outlook and support for External Data Connections in Excel.
And the best news is that Office for Mac will continue to see ongoing improvements over time. We plan to release updates and new features for Office 365 customers at least once per quarter.
Available today for Office 365 customers
Office 365 subscribers can get the newest version of Office for Mac today. All you need is an Office 365 subscription (Office 365 Home, Personal, Business, Business Premium, E3 or ProPlus), which includes the rights and access to use Office applications on Mac, Windows, iOS and Android devices, along with additional value in OneDrive and Skype.
Here are a few different ways to get Office 2016 for Mac today:
- Already an Office 365 customer? On your Mac, just browse to your account page (, sign in and follow the installation instructions. If you have Office 365 through your organization, go to
- Are you a student? You may get Office 2016 for Mac for free or at a substantial discount. It takes only 30 seconds to find out at
- Otherwise, go to or buy an Office 365 subscription at your local retailer.
Office 2016 for Mac will become available as a one-time purchase option this September.
We hope you’re as excited as we are about the new Office for Mac. It’s one of many important releases this summer where we are improving the Office experience across devices and platforms. We released Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Android phones just two weeks ago, which join Outlook and OneNote for Android phones, and we are just weeks away from delivering Office Mobile apps for Windows 10.
Please keep sending us your feedback and suggestions, and we will continue to improve your Office experience.
—Kirk Koenigsbauer
*Apple, Mac, Retina and Multi-Touch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.