This procedure has been tested under Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS only, but should work on other Linux distros and MacOS as well. If you have the opportunity to test, please send a message to .

DV4mini to the rescue! The DV4mini creates a hotspot with minimal resources and provides access to many DV networks. The Code Plug: Assuming you have your associated Channel and Zone set up in your radio to operate the DV4mini hotspot, you should be ready to go with setting up the DV4mini software. My Hytera PD-362 DMR HT is set up at. DV4mini and dv4mini.exe: Software to create a C4FM, D-Star or DMR Hotspot. Input options for the call sign and the DMR ID number and functions to link to reflectors. Runs on Windows and Linux Driver: The driver for Windows is included, Linux does not require one.

Boot your system with the DV4mini USB stick pluged in, then follow the “SETUP” steps below. After making it work for the first time, check “USINGAFTERSETUP” section.

IMPORTANT: your system must be set to timezone UTC – on Debian/Ubuntu based distros, use “sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata”, on the 1st screen “none of the above”, and next “UTC

You can get your DV4mini USB stick & more information about the device at:


1) Install latest winehq “stable” release (by Aug 2017 version 2.0.2) following the procedures:


2) Set wine version to “Windows 10”:

First time you run winecfg, it’s likely to ask you to install some additional modules, normally “mono” and “gecko” – just choose install/yes as much as it asks. After winecfg goes up:

tab “Applications” > “Windows version” > Windows 10 > OK

3) Create symlink on ~/.wine/dosdevices:

You’ll need to find out what device is being created when you insert the DV4mini dongle (you could use “tail -f /var/log/syslog” and watch the logs as you insert the USB device); in my case, it was /dev/ttyACM0

Important: make sure you have proper rights to access the device, by checking if your user is member of the group under wich it has been created:

If your user isn’t on the proper group:

On Ubuntu 16.04, it was necessary to set the serial as “raw” interface, otherwise the voice quality when testing (i.e. connecting to echo module 99) will be bad; to fix that,create an udev rule:

Then reboot the system – actually it is always recommended to shutdown (power off) and then power on, to have energy on the USB dongle go off, otherwise you may experience serial connection problems.

4) Install DV4mini software (tested version 1.65)

Download dv4mini software from

5) First start dv_serial.exe

Depending on what version of dv4mini software you’ve installed, the path can be either “Program Files (x86)” or “Program Files”; if “wine: cannot find (…)” appears, just change the command above accordly.

If everything goes fine, you’ll see in the logs the dv4mini dongle has been found by the dv_serial.exe (among a lot of other stuff)

6) Then start dv4mini.exe after some seconds

On the 1st time it runs, it’s usual to present internet connection and other kind of errors, show an alert then close itself; just run the command again to star it over

After the GUI comes up, insert your DMR ID and set frequency accordly

Some other messages are likely to show up on promt and on the GUIPortable skype for mac. itself, but the program connects to the reflector and works.

In order to have it working with last used settings, you only need dv_serial.exe running in background:

You could include this line on a boot script – but remember to run it as your user, as the settings reside in your home directory.

Only if you wish to change the settings (i.e. the frequency or reflector, or even the mode), you’ll need to open dv4mini.exe – but remember to first start dv_serial.exe as mentioned above, and give at least 30 seconds for it to come up:

If you close dv4mini.exe, it’ll also close dv_serial.exe. So to use the reflector, you’ll need to start dv_serial.exe again

To make life simple, I’ve created startup scripts dv4mini_background and dv4mini_configure .




wait some seconds

set wine configuration to Windows 10 version:

DV4mini manual

running DV4mini on Debian / Ubuntu and variants (didn’t work for me)

install mono-complete (didn’t work for me)

make a working directory

download “ARM-Linux software” from and move it to the working directory
